Thursday, 25 November 2010

For myself ...Nokia care centre

Yau Ma Tei Care Service Centre

Unit 910-14, Park-in Commercial Centre, 56 Dundas Street, Mongkok, Kln.
(Yau Ma Tei MTR Exit A2)
Careline: 21366338
Repair Hours: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm (Mon to Sun)

EnvItaly Moscato d’Asti 2009

Piedmont – Italy
Graph Variety
100% Moscato
Vinification Method
“Prise de mousse” by natural fermentation in stainless steel vats for one month.
Alcohol Level
Size Available
750 ml
Tasting Note
Color: yellow with green hues.
Bouquet: fragrant and fresh with scents of mint and gardenia.
Flavor: similar to the bouquet, the flavor is reminiscent of the aromatic berries just after harvesting.
Food matching
it goes perfectly with desserts, traditionally served with hazel-nut cakes or with fresh strawberries in Summer time.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Gelato!~ @Holy Brown

Went to Holly Brown for gelato the day before . The gelato is yummy~~
yet...I just really ...Holly Brown is famous for coffee ....(ok ....Brown for coffee...not chocolate..I got it ....)

I was never a fan of 手炒雪糕...(but I do like to have people mixing my salad for me ...Just Salad~~ )
炒雪糕的原理,是把不同的材料如士多啤利、藍梅、曲奇碎、朱古力等加入雪糕內,放在一塊特製的冷凍板上炒,把材料和雪糕混合。客人可以自選味道。Holly Brown 的雪糕是由意大利藉的雪糕師特別製造,用料新鮮優質,單是鮮牛奶的成本已很高。只有用上乘的材料,才能造出上乘的雪糕。Holly Brown 的雪糕,只要吃上一口,馬上感受到那牛奶的香甜綿滑,不用是食家也吃得出其用料上乘。

Japanese rain goggles

What the hell is Japanese rain goggles????
No idea is from the Two and a Half Men the latest episode ...
but it a made up phase ?????? Apparently there is no such thing as the Japanese rain goggles as they do not exist.....unless it is so weird sexual reference ...but this is fully ...

I do find something called Mejikara

Mejikara is actually made of silicon .On the inside there are specially-designed ridges which massage and help your skin. It puts gentle pressure on the skin and pushes those sagging eyes back up to where they once were! It might seem like another wacky Japanese invention but in fact the Mejikara has been a sleeper hit here, and we can see why!

Paper Eyelashes

First reaction ? WTH ? Paper ? Paper Eyelashes??

it is really ....PAPER...FOR EYELASHES...

Just saw it on ASOS and apart from ' I CANT BELIEVE MY EYES..' ..I have nothing to say ...
False lashes are very popular nowaday but apart form those false teardrops I used to have , I cant really think of putting anything else on the eyes...but these get me thinking ..

The designer is inspired by tranditional Chinese paper cutting skill and each style has its own story....

Intricately cut and delicately pretty, Eyelashes are available in three styles, each infused with symbolic meaning rooted in Chinese culture:

Horses: symbolic of success
Peony: for happiness and good fortune
Peach blossom: a symbol of love and romance

Unique and expressive, Eyelashes come in two sizes: accentuate the corners of your eyes with the smaller lashes for a subtle daytime look, or make a statement with the full lashes for a special occasion.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

todays lunch

testing testing

車仔面+coke zero $22!


Monday, 22 November 2010

A trip to 南丫島~

K先生就回應: 1愉景灣2馬灣3南Y島(索古灣/模達).....
其實好想去島島島...所以就...3呀唔該 (句號)
我: 吓?即係點去

去到香港仔, 去左食名正言順0既香港仔魚蛋粉(ie.. 山窿謝記)..就跑左去搭去南丫島模達灣0既船



30分鐘後...到0左 ......


用panorama programme 美化0左0既Mo Tat Bay~~~

有restaurant/bar~~~The Bay...個名好似好勁咁....
係有二人晚餐送套房(!) 0既玩兒0家....

坐低食個Burger King (個burger個名) 同 fruit punch



呢度好似一d 會無啦啦有隻免仔走出0黎睇住袋錶話~ '好趕呀好趕呀'



不過原來呢度都有0家.... 青咖哩屋呀唔該...=)

off menu 0既生蝦......





serve 我地0既姐姐好nice....


testing testing...

testing mastory from my n900

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Lascia ch'io pianga

這是一首哀傷 悲嘆的歌曲 選自韓德爾 "Rinaldo" 的詠嘆調 是許多聲樂家喜歡演唱的歌曲之一,歌詞內容描寫被魔女阿米達軟禁在魔法園中純真無邪的阿米瑞娜對異國國王哥弗里多演唱的詠嘆調。我看(聽)過多種版本,覺 得最具故事代表性的是 電影 "絕代豔姬" 中由主角費里尼(Farinelli)演唱的版本,費里尼是音樂史上最著名的假聲男高音。這首曲子就是韓德爾為費里尼所譜的曲子,在電影中,這幕費里尼演 唱這首曲子的橋段,讓他回想到小時候因作曲家哥哥自己的私利,貪圖他美妙的聲音,趁他生病的時候將他閹割,令人動容。電影中的幕後演唱者是一位義大利著名 華彩女高音 Vivica Genaux。

假聲男高音是在十七世紀中葉前掘起,由於義大利教廷不准女性的聲音朗頌聖保羅在 柯林辛書十四章三十四節中所講的一段話所引起的,教廷將優秀的童音歌手在其尚未變聲前,進行閹割,以保留其優美的童音,並在長大後,訓練成具備男性厚實胸 腔共鳴的歌唱家,而後來,這些歌唱家也開始演唱非神劇或宗教清唱劇的歌曲。在十八、十九世紀,許多重要的音樂家都為這類歌手譜曲演唱。
部落格播放的是 莎拉. 布萊曼的版本,唱腔稍微花俏了點 但仍將這首曲子的意境表現得很好。
**這是網友們為這首歌所寫的中文翻譯 Lascia ch'io pianga 讓我哭泣**
Lascia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte, 讓我為自己悲慘的命運哭泣,
E che sospiri la libertà!而我渴望自由!
E che sospiri, 我渴望,
e che sospiri la libertà!我渴望自由!
Lascia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte, 讓我為我悲慘的命運哭泣,
E che sospiri la libertà!而我渴望自由!
Il duolo infranga queste ritorte de miei martiri sol per pietà, 這場爭鬥模糊了我所遭逢的許多痛苦,
de miei martiri sol per pietà. 我祈求我的痛苦能獲得仁慈的解脫。
E che sospiri la libertà!而我渴望自由!